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February 10, 2016

Towards a Sustainable Future

St. Francis College welcomed Sr. JoAnn Mark, ASC, the Executive Director for the Partnership for Global Justice on January 28, 2016 to talk about The United Nation's Work Towards a Sustainable Future.

Watch Sr. JoAnn Mark

The event was sponsored by the Model UN, Institute for Peace and Justice and the Honors Program at St. Francis College.

joann mark


JoAnn Mark, ASC, has a B.A. degree with a major in English, an M.S. degree in mathematics and an Ed.D. degree in mathematics and higher education. She has been a full-time faculty member, academic dean, vice president for academic affairs and a director of institutional research and transfer activities. In addition she has served on the U.S. Regional Leadership Team for the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) and represented them at General Assemblies in Rome, Italy. Sister JoAnn has provided service to sisters in Romania and in Tanzania. In addition she has had experience in Australia, South Korea, and Guatemala.

Sister JoAnn served on the Partnership for Global Justice Board for the full length of permitted terms. During that time she attended a number of UN Commission meetings and gave presentations on the UN to Religious Congregations and to NU graduate students. In keeping with the emphases of the Partnership and the MDGs, she has served on the ASC Peace and Justice Committee, the Immigrant Family Support Network, the Board of the Gerber Institute for Catholic Studies, the Wichita Inter-Faith Ministries Board, and the Wichita Diocesan School Council. Her passion for social justice issues has impelled her to a number of services to marginated groups, the most recent being service at La Posada Providencia in San Benito, TX.

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