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Student Life
March 14, 2020

Update: Campus Access and Support Services

Please be assured that although classes are moving online next Wednesday, March 18th, after an extended Spring Break through March 17th, the St. Francis College community remains as supportive of you as always.

We understand the concern and uncertainty expressed by our community of students, faculty, staff and families and want to let you know more about changes in store and resources available.

St. Francis CollegeSFC Campus Access

Please be advised that this situation could change at any time; that is, there may come a time when we are forced to ban all access to the building or limit access to specific locations.

We are currently placing several computers in the Callahan Center for limited use by students, beginning Wednesday, March 18th. These computers and Wi-Fi are to be used only to participate in your remote classes, do your coursework or handle other college matters, and only if you don't have a computer or Internet connectivity at home. Specific hours for computer availability in the Callahan Center will be announced soon.

Please note you will need to show your current SFC ID to access the Callahan Center during this time.

The computer area will be routinely sanitized according to protocol. While we are taking additional procedures to clean the entire building, we have been advised that it is best to limit the 'exposed' areas as much as possible.

Special Note: If you are storing items in your locker, please arrange to come to campus as soon as possible to retrieve them. If conditions change, you may not be able to access the building. If possible, we highly encourage retrieving such items by Monday, March 16th.

Faculty and Student Support Offices

It is worth repeating here that, as of today, our plan is to keep the campus open during the remote-instruction period, although that is subject to change at any time.

Office staff will likely be limited and many offices will be closed, however. Before coming to campus, please check with the office or department you're visiting to find out the best way to work with them.

Faculty, staff and administration are prepared to assist students in a virtual environment. That includes but is not limited to Academic Support, Advising, Tutoring, Health and Wellness and Career Services. Highlights of these areas include:

  • While we remain in an online environment, your courses will be taught using Canvas as well as other digital resources. Your professors will provide you with more details for each class and MySFC now hosts an Instructional Guide for online instruction.
  • Free, virtual counseling led by Natasha Edwards, Director of Student Health Services. Please contact her to schedule or review a pre-existing appointment.
  • Zoom videoing and teleconference career appointments led by Christopher Hughes, Assistant Director of Career Services. Please contact Chris Hughes to schedule or review a pre-existing appointment.
  • Scheduled tutoring appointments are available using TutorTrac. Tutors will connect with students at their SFC email address to conduct tutoring via phone or video chat using Zoom. If you have any questions about how you will access your tutoring session, please contact Mary O'Shea, Interim Director of the Academic Enhancement Center.
  • Academic advisors in the Center for Student Success can schedule virtual advising appointments using the College's Navigate system on a desktop or by downloading the Navigate app (iOS or Android app store). Need assistance making an appointment? Email your assigned advisor directly. To find our who your advisor is or for additional help, email [email protected].
  • Students who receive testing accommodations should still submit test and quiz requests through the Accommodate website during this time. The Office of Accessibility and Accommodations team will coordinate with professors to ensure extended time accommodations are being implemented accordingly in the fully online setting.
  • If you are a student who was registered with the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations at any point in the past but who has not submitted your semester renewal request for Spring 2020, you may still do so by visiting the Accommodate website and clicking "Semester Request." If you have not yet set up accommodations and wish to do so, you can provide your information in the Accommodate website.
  • If you are a peer note-taker, please continue to take class notes and upload to Accommodate. If the format of your course has changed and you have questions on your note-taking role, please connect with Caitlin McGuire.

Finally, if you have any questions about your student support or are experiencing any difficulties please connect with us so we can assist you right away – Ruben Gonzalez, Assistant Dean of Students and Monica Michalski, Associate Dean of Student Success.

We are Brooklyn Tough and SFC Strong and together as a community we will get through this.

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