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February 21, 2014

Urban Monk: Exploring Karma, Consciousness, and the Divine

Self-proclaimed Urban Monk, Gadadhara Pandit DasaDate spoke to Professor Ben Wood's Religions of India class on Friday, February 21 about his new book, Urban Monk: Exploring Karma, Consciousness, and the Divine.

Pandit currently serves as a lecturer and the first-ever Hindu chaplain of Columbia University, New York University, and Union Theological Seminary. He teaches courses on the Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu texts combining their messages with popular Hollywood movies. He leads workshops on mantra meditation and delivers lectures at the nation's leading universities and yoga studios. Pandit spoke at a recent TEDx conference and was featured in the NPR piece “Long Days and Short Nights of a Hindu Monk.” He has also appeared in a PBS documentary on the Bhagavad Gita, as well as in The New York Times. For more from Pandit, check out his website at

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