What Real Muslims Think About Isis
The Muslim Student Association hosted a talk by Cyrus McGoldrick, Isis: What Real Muslims Have To Say on October 8. The talk was followed by dinner & spoken word poetry.
About Cyrus McGoldrick
Cyrus serves as the Director of the Development & Outreach Committee for the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF), traveling nationally to educate communities about violations of human rights and to advocate for political prisoners in the United States. He also serves on the Advisory Council for Getting Out & Staying Out (GOSO), a program dedicated to helping young men coming out of prison stay out of prison, and is working with Peoples’ Justice for Community Control and Police Accountability to establish Cop Watch patrols in Harlem and Jackson Heights.
He hosts the radio show “Muslim State of Mind” on WBAI 99.5 FM in New York Tuesday nights at 9, writes political analysis for OnIslam, and in his free time writes, performs and publishes original poetry and music