Empowerment Through Academic Support and Writing Coaching
Academic Support and Writing Coaching is an essential skill to learn throughout your college experience. Our Academic Resource and Success Coaching Office is here to assist you throughout your college career — and beyond — helping you build academic excellence.
Our services, including tutoring, writing coaching, and learning support, are all free to any St. Francis College student.
Tutoring can help reinforce course content and strengthen study skills, memorization techniques, note-taking skills, and methods to stay organized. All of our tutors are qualified, trained students who have been recommended by instructors.
Writing Coaching is great for organizing outlines, reviewing sources, gathering your thoughts, starting your assignment, and proof reading your drafts. You can use Writing Coaching for all subjects not just Writing classes.
Find a Financial Coach
Your financial literacy coach will help you understand financial aid and explore any concerns you may have about your student account.
To learn more about financial student advocacy and financial empowerment, or to discuss additional resources in navigating and maximizing student finances, contact us at [email protected] and complete the Financial Literacy Form (linked below).
Need Help with Budgeting?
Work with a CLL Success Coach. Budgeting is the process of creating a plan for how to spend your money. This spending plan is called a budget. Creating this spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do. Check out these links to learn more about budgeting, tracking your expenses and creating smart goals for spending money. Email the CLL at [email protected] to create a personalized budget plan.
SimpleDollar Success Budgeting
Traveling to Campus?
Attending class is very important so check out FairFares through Access HRA for more information on receiving discounted MetroCard fares.
Stop by the CLL for any available metro cards (limited quantity).
Canvas Resource Page
Need Help?
Our staff is always here to answer your questions and provide guidance.
Make an appointment with our office by emailing the Center for Learning and Leadership.
Tutoring is ideal for any student looking to increase your grade in a particular course or to maintain the grades you are proud of. Tutors specialize in assisting students in developing the understanding for concepts and successful methods to complete a course. Tutoring is most effective when used consistently throughout the semester.
Format: Tutoring and Writing Coaching services are available in-person and online tutoring through Zoom meetings.