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Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)


The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at St. Francis College serves a cohort of undergraduate students interested in the sciences, health-related fields, and careers in licensed professions such as psychology, social work, and accounting.

Funded by a New York State Department of Education grant, CSTEP fosters academic excellence by ensuring students have the support services, summer programming, financial assistance, and career and research opportunities they need to succeed. Most importantly, CSTEP students are part of a vibrant community of scholars who dream, serve, and achieve together as they pursue their professional goals. By graduation, students in CSTEP are highly prepared to enter the workforce and pursue graduate work in their field of study.

Why Join CSTEP?

Community of Scholars

Extra Financial Perks

Additional Academic Assistance

Exclusive Career Opportunities

How to Apply to CSTEP


To be eligible for CSTEP, students must be:

  • A New York State resident for at least the last 12 months
  • Enrolled full-time (at least 12 credits)
  • Pursuing or intending to pursue a science, pre-health major, or a licensed profession*
  • Be African-American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian or Alaskan Native OR in an economically disadvantaged group (see chart for income criteria)
  • Demonstrated ability to succeed academically (current students must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA; incoming first-year students must have an HS GPA of 80)

*Majors that are accepted by the CSTEP program include accounting, biology, chemistry, health care management, health promotion and science, math, nursing, pre-med, pre-dental, pre-pharm, pre-OT, pre-PA, pre-Vet, physics, psychology, public health, exercise science, and sociology (social work).


Financial Perks

  • $250 book stipend each semester
  • Graduate school assistance on fees and/or test prep
  • Winter or Summer course grant (only if needed to stay on track for graduation; reviewed on a case by case basis)

Academic Support

  • 1:1 success coaching
  • 1:1 mentoring
  • Graduate School application assistance
  • Test preparation, if needed, for licensure or graduate school applications which includes Kaplan Bootcamps (MCAT, PCAT, GRE, DAT), Hurst Review for NCLEX, Becker Review for CPA.

Career & Professional Services

  • Field trips to research programs, such as the MACUB Conference yearly
  • Research/Internships CSTEP Canvas Page
  • Day of Service Event
  • Leadership opportunities on the CSTEP Advisory Board
  • Panel & workshops on learning about career paths

….and much more!

Program Requirements/Expectations

What CSTEP expects from YOU once accepted?

  • Sign and adhere to all terms in the CSTEP Student Agreement
  • Sign Up for Electronic Refund via TouchNet
  • Be in good academic standing (a minimum GPA of 2.5 is required) every semester
  • Be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 units is required) every semester
  • Meet with CSTEP staff once a semester or must adhere to tailored success coaching plan (this could mean meeting more than once)
  • All first year and incoming transfer students must participate in our AIM Mentoring Program
  • All students must meet with the Center for Career Exploration to update their resume and create a profile on handshake
  • All students must complete a CSTEP profile survey every fall and spring semester to continue to receive their 250.00 book stipend
  • Attend at least two CSTEP workshops, events or activities each semester (offerings will include summer bootcamps, leadership workshops, career workshops, etc.)
  • Participate in an internship or research experience prior to graduation (share offer letter with CSTEP staff via email)

If you are interested in applying for the CSTEP program, email [email protected] to learn more about the application process. We admit students on a rolling basis during the summer, the beginning of fall, and the beginning of spring semesters.

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