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Faculty | Associate Professor

Rachel Falkenstern

Contact Information

[email protected]
Room 6007


B.A., Hunter College, CUNY
Ph.D., Temple University

Dr. Falkenstern's research focus is in 19th-Century German Philosophy (especially Hegel), Aesthetics, Philosophy of Gender, and their intersections. Her dissertation and recent publication are on Hegel's theory of tragedy. She is also currently working on Schiller's tragic heroines and tragic heroines in contemporary film. Her other research includes work on performance art and body art. In addition to her research areas, she enjoys teaching ethics, existentialism, American philosophy, and introduction to philosophy.

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[email protected]

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Vice President of Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Education & Programs and Academic Dean of Undergraduate Education

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Philosophy and Religious Studies
[email protected]

Office: 718-489-5235

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