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CSTEP Day of Service

March 17, 2023
8 A.M. - 3 P.M.
St. Francis College

SFC is excited to host our CSTEP Day of Service with select faculty and invited students. Students are encouraged to arrive on time for a jam-packed schedule. After check-in, students will receive a folder for the day and attend a lecture based on their career interests, followed by breakout rooms.

Here is the agenda:

  • 8-9 a.m.: Check-In/Breakfast in the Multipurpose Room
  • 9-10 a.m.: College admissions essay workshop with Ghazala in Room 6104
  • 10-11 a.m.: High school college lectures with Dr. Frias, Michelle Batchu, Dr. Herstoff
  • Noon-1 p.m.: Lunch in the Multipurpose Room
  • 1-2 p.m.: Breakout rooms by major (various rooms)
  • 2-3 p.m.: SFC CSTEP Student Panel in the Auditorium

The event is sponsored by CSTEP and co-sponsored by the STEM Resource Center.

Participating students will receive a free one-month MetroCard.

Primary Contact
Lorrena Johnson [email protected]

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