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SFC Stem Lab 5

Healthcare, Psychology, & STEM Career Fair

October 13, 2022
1 P.M. - 4 P.M.
St. Francis College

Meet employers in the industries of healthcare, psychology and STEM at our in-person Healthcare, Psychology & STEM Fair.

Attend this event and you will be able to:

  • Connect with representatives from organizations
  • Discuss your skills, values, and career interests
  • Learn about company structures and day-to-day responsibilities
  • Gain information on how to apply to available roles within participating organizations

This event is open to current SFC students only. Alumni interested in attending this event should email the CCE team at [email protected] to request approval to attend. Professional dress is encouraged, but not required. Also, students are advised to have their resumes reviewed in advance by a member of the Center for Career Exploration. Appointments can be scheduled using the Navigate app or by emailing the CCE team.

Primary Contact
Gerald Tang [email protected]

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