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Human Rights Lecture on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and Its Consequences

March 28, 2022
12:20 P.M. - 1:20 P.M.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has produced world-historical consequences. The images of massive destruction, tremendous loss of life, and displacement of millions of people in Ukraine are on TV screens. Meanwhile, the threat of war becoming a regional or even global conflagration is all too real, as it may potentially involve the use of chemical or nuclear weapons by Russia.

Adrian Karatnycky, a senior fellow at The Atlantic Council and Daniel Balson, Advocacy Director for Europe and Central Asia with Amnesty International USA, join the conversation to discuss the root causes of the war, the pretexts and propaganda used by Russia to justify the war, the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to defend their sovereign nation, the generous hospitality shown to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war into neighboring countries, the possibility of war crimes charged against President Putin’s government, and how the humanitarian efforts to help Ukrainians are unfolding.

This event is hosted and organized by the SFC International Office, in collaboration with the Economics, History and Political Science department, Forum on Migration, Institute for Global Engagement and the St. Francis College Chapter of Amnesty International.

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