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#BuildYourDream SFC Student Pitch Competition

February 14, 2023 - February 28, 2023
All Day Event
St. Francis College

The Center for Entrepreneurship is sponsoring a student entrepreneur pitch competition due February 28, 2023. The competition is open to SFC students with a business idea or early-stage business that supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students compete for three cash prices to fuel their startup:

  1. Prize $500
  2. Price $250
  3. Prize $100

All pitch participants receive a certificate of participation and feedback from the judges.

Every attendee will get five minutes to win the judges. To wow the audience you need to provide the following:

  • a clear description of your existing business and/or idea
  • validation of the market opportunity with market research stats or initial traction (for existing businesses)
  • how the business supports one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). For example, what is the social or environmental impact of your business?
  • how you use technology as a competitive advantage

Format: PowerPoint or Google slides. 3-4 slides max. A template will be provided to registered students.

Here is how to participate:

  • Register here by Feb. 28, 2023, to secure your spot to compete at the end of March live pitch event
  • Participate in one of the upcoming Zoom calls about the SFC pitch competition to get the pitch template, understand the criteria, and get feedback on your idea (see details below)
  • Finalize your presentation by March 27: be available to pitch on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 12:50-2:50 pm, onsite at the SFC auditorium.
  • You must be an undergraduate or graduate student at SFC to participate.
  • You must have a business idea or an existing business that is less than 1 year old.

Attend a #BuildYourDream Info Session about the Pitch Competition on Zoom

  • Feb. 14, 3-3:30 p.m. ET
  • Feb. 21, Noon-1 p.m. ET

Registered pitch teams, you can get feedback prior to your big moment on stage:

  1. March 7, 12-1 p.m. ET
  2. March 20, 1-2 p.m. ET


Primary Contact
The Center for Entrepreneurship [email protected]

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