St. Francis College Celebrates National Transfer Student Week

St. Francis College will celebrate the hundreds of transfer students among its student body, as it hosts a series of events in honor of this year's annual National Transfer Student Week from October 19th to 23rd.
More than 200 students who joined St. Francis College last academic year had previously enrolled at another college or university, earning credits there that give them a head start on their SFC degrees. Transfer students make up more than 20 percent of the entire SFC student population.
"St. Francis College has a long tradition of enthusiastically welcoming transfer students into our Terrier family," said Rob Oliva, Director of Recruitment in SFC's Office of Admissions. "We work with each of our transfer students individually, ensuring the enrollment process is frictionless and that everyone receives the maximum credits possible for coursework completed elsewhere. I tell transfer students that no matter where you started, there is no better time to begin an SFC journey then now. You'll feel right at home, right away."
Among the benefits SFC provides transfer students are generous scholarships that make an SFC education among the most affordable in New York City. The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship provides financial support up to $10,000 to every student who transfers from a community college as a member of the PTK, which is generally open to students with GPAs 3.5 or higher. Transfer students may also receive up to $12,000 in annual merit-based scholarships, $1,000 if they hold an associate's degree, and $1,000 if they graduated from a faith-based high school.
"Our transfer students are exceptionally active and engaged here, and they contribute so much to the rich diversity of our SFC community," said Ruben Gonzalez, SFC Associate Dean of Students, who helped assemble SFC's Transfer Appreciation Week schedule. "I look forward each year to this week, when we all can honor the many transfer students here and, I hope, create more fun memories for them!"
National Transfer Student Week is organized each year in October by the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students. It celebrates transfer students and the professionals who support them on their journeys.
The SFC Transfer Appreciation Week schedule:
Monday, October 19th
- Noon: Instagram Live Kickoff @sfcny
- 11 am – 1 pm: First day of t-shirt pickup (outside of main SFC entrance)
Tuesday, October 20th
- 5pm: Thriving Through Transfer Virtual SFC Transfer Alumni Panel
- Bono Lee '11 (Accounting)
- Brian Hibbert '14 (Education)
- Marissa Ramnath '18 (Nursing)
- Register:
Wednesday, October 21st
- 7pm: Welcome Wednesday
- Transfer mix and mingle at the SFCresidence hall
- Residence hall residents register by emailing: [email protected]
Thursday, October 22nd
- 3pm: Transfer Tune-up Thursday
- Zoom session discussing résumé development, applying for internships and interview guidance
Friday, October 23rd
- 1pm: Free Your Mind Friday
- Virtually guided meditation to assist with midterm and finals preparation
- Last day of t-shirt pickup