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Alumni Story

Amanda Alexandre ‘22

Amanda has always yearned to unite, lead, inspire, and inform. Throughout her Franciscan tenure, she remained on the Dean’s List every semester for four consecutive years, graduating with a 3.7 cumulative GPA. She was the captain of the St. Francis College Brooklyn Dance Team, the founder and President of the Black Student Union, the founder and coordinator of the Black Women’s and Black Men’s Alliance, a member of the Duns Scotus Honor Society, President of the Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society, the Speaker of SACOR of the Student Government Association, and most notably, she served as the President of the Student Government Association at St. Francis College.

As she navigated through four of the most crucial years of her life, her end goal was always clear: she wanted to be in the media. At age 14 she decided that becoming a news anchor was what she wanted to do and was willing to travel down any path in order to get there. She understood that reaching that goal would take time, patience, character and career development- yet she was always ready for the challenge. Days after her college graduation, she was hired by CBS, where she served as an employee in their page program, working in production behind the scenes for ‘The Late Show’ and ‘Last Week Tonight.’

Though entertainment was a great introduction to the media industry- her true passion resided in the news. She then accepted a position at the legendary and leading news outlet: 1010 WINS, where she currently serves as a news producer. Needless to say, her post-college life has been brief, yet fulfilling, and she never turns down the opportunity to credit the “Small College with Big Dreams” for her ongoing success.

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